
Calais, France Hotels and City Guide

Calais Hotels and Calais Guide with Calais maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Calais hotels

Hotels in Calais, France

Holiday Inn Calais - Nord

Holiday Inn Calais - Nord

6 Boulevard des Alliés,CALAIS,62100 FRANCE

63 guest rooms and 2 suites 5 floors Pets allowed Secured carpark next to the hotel and underground Daily parking fee - 7.5 (EUR)

Auberge Bourrelly

Auberge Bourrelly

Place Albert Florent, Calais, France

Voilà quatre générations que la famille Bourrelly se consacre à sublimer le vrai goût des choses et du temps qui passe sous les platanes centenaires. Dans cette bastide au cœur d'un charmant village, Roger perpétue la tradition en mariant pastis, qualité de vie, confort...

Ibis Calais Car Ferry

Ibis Calais Car Ferry

2, Rue Greuze, Quartier Beau Marais, 62100 Calais, France

Hotel IntroductionThis hotel features 55 rooms located near the city centre (5min). Access by freeway A16 (exit 46). 5 min from ferry port, 10 min from the Eurotunnel. Restaurant, bar, terrace, free private outdoor car park.AccommodationNumber...

Ibis Calais Centre

Ibis Calais Centre

35, Boulevard Jacquard, 62100 Calais, France

Hotel IntroductionThe Ibis Calais Centre is situated in the heart of the shopping center of Calais. It is 2 minutes from the theatres and cinemas and 5 minutes from the main station and the town hall. Private bathroom with shower and television in rooms. The hotels...


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