
Dakar, Senegal Hotels and City Guide

Dakar Hotels and Dakar Guide with Dakar maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Dakar hotels

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Hotels in Dakar, Senegal

Le Meridien President

Le Meridien President

Pointe des Almadies Dakar Senegal

Ideally situated in a beautiful coastal region in Dakar, the Le Meridien President is an attractive, luxury hide-away, perfect for both business and...

Sofitel Dakar Teranga

Sofitel Dakar Teranga

Rue Colbert, Bp 3380, Dakar, Senegal

The hotel is situated right in the heart of Dakar in the business district, overlooking the sea, only 20 min from the Convention Centre & airport (free shuttle). 234 rooms, 10 suites, 3 non-smoking floors. Swimming pool right by the sea. International and local cuisine...

Novotel Dakar

Novotel Dakar

Avenue Abdoulaye Fadiga, Bp 2073, 18524 Dakar, Senegal

Hotel IntroductionLocated in the centre near the business area facing the Atlantic Ocean and overlooking historic Goree Island. 5 min from Independence square and 15 km to the airport. Restaurant, bar, meeting rooms, swimming pool and tennis. AccommodationNumber...


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