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Use our three-day Port Macquarie weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Port Macquarie. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Port Macquarie hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Best Western Macquarie Barracks Motor Inn103 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie, 2444, Australia For your comfort, Best Western Macquarie Barracks Motor Inn is a modern well located property. Offering superbly appointed, spacious rooms with queen beds, air conditioning, hairdryers, irons/boards. Deluxe spa rooms have king beds and 2 person corner spa. Families are... |
| Comfort Inn Aquatic Port Macquarie253 Hastings River Dr Port Macquarie Australia Set on the banks of the Hastings River. All river front rooms have queen beds and kitchenettes. Short walk to Hibbard Sports Club and Whalebone Wharf Restaurant. AU Star Rating 3 |
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