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Use our three-day Shepparton weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Shepparton. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Shepparton hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Best Western Pines Country Club Motor Inn103-125 Numurkah Road, Shepparton, 3630, Australia Pines Country Club Motor Inn offers guests licensed restaurant (6 nights) and room service. Relax in one of our spacious ground floor 2 bedroom, honeymoon, or executive suites with double spas. Within walking distance to Sports Stadium (basketbal, netball, hockey, velodrome,... |
| Best Western The Carrington505 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, 3630, Australia The Best Western The Carrington is directly opposite Lake Victoria, the Shepparton Aquarium, and the Water Sport and Gymnasium Center. Recently upgraded, offers guests comfortable quiet ground floor rooms. Also, enjoy the tranquil landscaped gardens, swimming pool, and... |
| Best Western Wyndhamere Motel65-67 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, 3630, Australia The Best Western Wyndhamere Motel has a fully licensed restaurant and conference facilities for 24 people. Enjoy one of the ground floor honeymoon, or interconnecting suites with mini bars and air conditioning. Just a short walk to city Returing Servicemen Club civic centre... |
| Comfort Inn Peppermill SheppartonGoulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Australia Licensed bistro, bottle shop, bar, pool tables and live entertainment. Outdoor beer garden. Guest Laundry. Babysitting arranged. Close to bowls and tennis. AU Star Rating 3.5 |
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