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| InterContinental Phnom PenhPO Box 2288 Regency Square 296 Blvd Mao Tsé Toung Phnom Penh 3 Kingdom of Cambodia The latest cardiovascular workout gymnasium is one of the many extras at this elegantly furnished downtown hotel. In the heart of Phnom Penh's business district, it is instantly recognisable as the tallest building, not only in the city but also in the whole of Cambodia.... |
| Hotel Le Royal92 Rukahk Vithei Daun Penh Phnom Penh Cambodia Hotel Le Royal is the premier in Phnom Penh, a hotel with those rare attributes of history and style. It was first established in 1929 and in its early heyday, enjoyed an international clientele comprising globetrotters, writers...The Hotel reopened in 1997, after a careful... |
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