
Farnborough, England Hotels and City Guide

Farnborough Hotels and Farnborough Guide with Farnborough maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Farnborough hotels

Farnborough - Weather

Use our three-day Farnborough weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Farnborough. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Farnborough hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.


Hotels in Farnborough, England

Holiday Inn Farnborough

Holiday Inn Farnborough

Lynchford Road Farnborough GU14 6AZ UNITED KINGDOM

The hotel offers 9 meeting rooms in total providing a total area of 475 m2 . The largest rooms cater for meetings up to 180 people and our smallest suites are ideal for interviews or small meetings for up to 2. With our two function rooms equipped with private bars....

Falcon Hotel

Falcon Hotel

68 Farnborough Road, GU14 6TH, Farnborough, England, United Kingdom

The Falcon Hotel is ideally situated in Farnborough, home of the World Famous Airshow. The hotel is a haven of warmth and sophistication and has always maintained its traditional charm and hospitality.The hotel is ideally located on the A325 with good links to...


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New York 16:26 -8C
Tokyo 05:26 6C
Hong Kong 04:26 16C
Paris 21:26 1C
London 20:26 -0C

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