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Use our three-day Farnham weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Farnham. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Farnham hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Best Western Frensham Pond HotelChurt, Farnham, England, GU10 2QB, Great Britain The Best Western Frensham Pond Hotel is set in one of the country's most picturesque and peaceful locations, overlooking Frensham Great Pond, which is actually the size of a lake! Our superb restaurant offers excellent cuisine and wine in addition to panoramic views.... |
| Farnham House HotelAlton Road, GU10 5ER, Farnham, England, United Kingdom Whether you are celebrating, touring or visiting on business you will find Farnham House has all the facilities you require.Farnham House Hotel is a quiet retreat offering a choice of comfortable bedrooms for business or leisure breaks, with period features to... |
| Macdonald Bush HotelThe Borough, GU9 7NN, Farnham, England, United Kingdom This 17th Century coaching inn has a reputation for unsurpassed quality, charm and service. Provides a stylish retreat retaining much of its 17th Century grandeur, surrounded by tranquil beauty and luxuryA favourite haunt for guests with its candelit, oak-beamed... |
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