
Felixstowe, England Hotels and City Guide

Felixstowe Hotels and Felixstowe Guide with Felixstowe maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Felixstowe hotels

Felixstowe - Weather

Use our three-day Felixstowe weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Felixstowe. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Felixstowe hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.


Hotels in Felixstowe, England

The Hotel Elizabeth Orwell

The Hotel Elizabeth Orwell

Hamilton Rd, IP11 7DX, Felixstowe, England, United Kingdom

The Elizabeth Orwell, a Victorian Hotel dating back to 1898. Tides on the Suffolk and Essex coast wash around yacht moorings, flat marshes and oyster beds making it a popular area for birdwatchers and other nature lovers. thriving ports lie close to seaside resorts,...

Marlborough Hotel

Marlborough Hotel

Sea Front, IP11 2BJ, Felixstowe, England, United Kingdom

The Marlborough Hotel is the largest and only sea front hotel in Felixstowe, 250 yards south of the pier complex. Ideal for that overnight stop or weekend break and well placed for touring the famous beautiful areas of Suffolk.The Marlborough Hotel is located...


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New York 18:58 -8C
Tokyo 07:58 6C
Hong Kong 06:58 16C
Paris 23:58 1C
London 22:58 -0C

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