
Kingussie, England Hotels and City Guide

Kingussie Hotels and Kingussie Guide with Kingussie maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Kingussie hotels

Book a room at one of the best hotels in Kingussie, England. World Executive features some of the best hotels in Kingussie, catering for both the business and leisure traveller, and for all budgets.

Whether you want a luxury 4 or 5 star hotel, a cheap hotel in the heart of the city, or a Kingussie airport hotel for your stopover, World Executive offers you great deals on over 30,000 hotels worldwide with top hotel brands.To book a rental car to get around Kingussie, book a flight or arrange Kingussie airport parking, visit the other sections of the World Executive site.

Hotels in Kingussie, England

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Columba House Hotel & Garden Restaurant

Columba House Hotel & Garden Restaurant

Manse Road, Nr. Aviemore, PH21 1JF, Kingussie, Scotland, United Kingdom

In an area of outstanding natural beauty, peace and tranquility. Nestling in large grounds and secluded, walled garden. Fine Dining with an adult atmosphere with attentive friendly service. Romantic four-poster rooms, double baths.Guests enjoy free use of local...

The Scot House Hotel

The Scot House Hotel

Newtonmore Road, Highlands, PH21 1HE, Kingussie, Scotland, United Kingdom

The Scot House Hotel in Kingussie - completely renovated in 2004 - an award winning 3 star Victorian Highland Hotel. Enjoy our extremely comfortable all-ensuite rooms, award winning meals and friendly and relaxing atmosphere.At the very heart of the Cairngorm...


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