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Use our three-day St. Aubins Bay weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in St. Aubins Bay. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for St. Aubins Bay hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Somerville HotelMont Du Boulevard St Aubin JE3 8AD United Kingdom Nestling on the Hillside, overlooking the Yachting Harbour and village of St.Aubin and The Bay beyond, the views from the Sommerville Hotel are breathtaking, with this wonderful setting and our warm and friendly welcome, we have built an excellent reputation-No wonder so... |
| Somerville HotelMont du Boulevard, JE3 8AD, St Aubin, Channel Islands, United Kingdom The Somerville Hotel is nestled on the hillside overlooking the yachting harbour and village of St. Aubin. We have built an excellent reputation - no wonder so many visitors return here year after year!Just 5 minutes from the beach, the views from the Somerville... |
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