
Cambrai, France Hotels and City Guide

Cambrai Hotels and Cambrai Guide with Cambrai maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Cambrai hotels

Cambrai Hotel Map

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Hotels in Cambrai, France

Chateau de la Motte Fenelon

Chateau de la Motte Fenelon

BP 174 Cambrai 59403 France

In the historic city of Cambrai sheltered in the heart of an 18 ha parc, the Chateau de la Motte Fénelon was built in 1850 by one of the greatest Parisian architects, Hittorff. Inside the Chateau, two Louis XV and Louis XVI state rooms provide a superb setting for receptions...

Ibis Cambrai

Ibis Cambrai

Route De Bapaume, Fontaine Notre Dame, 59400 Cambrai, France

Hotel IntroductionLocated a few km from the city centre. Hotel with 52 rooms, conference rooms, free fenced parking. Restaurant and bar. Rooms for disabled guests. Easy access to freeways. AccommodationNumber of rooms: 75Pet AcceptedRestaurants...


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