
Dinard, France Hotels and City Guide

Dinard Hotels and Dinard Guide with Dinard maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Dinard hotels

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Hotels in Dinard, France

Grand Hotel Barriere

Grand Hotel Barriere

46, Avenue George V Dinard 35801 France

A relaxing holiday resort just 20 minutes from Paris! The rooms in this welcoming, intimate hotel are stylishly furnished with warm tones, bathed in soft light

Villa Reine Hortense

Villa Reine Hortense

19, rue de la Malouine, Dinard, France

An original Belle Epoque villa, this hotel got its name from Reine Hortense, known for his royal connections. The treasured objects once belonging to Hortense de Beauharnais give an especially personal quality to the surroundings. Guest rooms open out over the sea, for...

Novotel Thalassa Dinard

Novotel Thalassa Dinard

1 Avenue Du Chateau Hébert, 35800 Dinard, France

Hotel IntroductionAll rooms have sea view. The hotel is 1.5 km from the city center, 5 km away from the airport and 2 km from the casino. A diet restaurant, bar, thalasso therapy, swimming pool, hammam, jacuzzi, fitness room, mountain bikes, tennis, 3 meeting...


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New York 01:08 -8C
Tokyo 14:08 6C
Hong Kong 13:08 16C
Paris 06:08 1C
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