
Fontvieille, France Hotels and City Guide

Fontvieille Hotels and Fontvieille Guide with Fontvieille maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Fontvieille hotels

Fontvieille - Currency

ATMs are available in many parts of Fontvieille - ensure you inform your bank before travelling abroad, and be aware you may be charged for cash withdrawals. It is advisable to exchange some cash before arriving in Fontvieille.

To find great rates on hotels in Fontvieille, book a rental car to get around, or arrange Fontvieille airport parking, visit the other sections of the World Executive site.

Hotels in Fontvieille, France

Best Western Le Val Majour

Best Western Le Val Majour

22 Avenue D'Arles, Fontvieille, 13990, France

Between Camargue and Les Alpilles, Saint Rmy de Provence and Aries, Avigon and Les Saintes Maries de la Mer, discover the Best Western Le Val Majour, with its 33 air-conditioned rooms, tennis court, large outdoor (not heated) swimming pool and a very large park with...

La Peiriero

La Peiriero

36, avenue des Baux, Fontvieille, France

At the foot of the Alpilles, this Southern country house built on ancient stone quarries hums with the buzz of cicadas. Huge rooms are decorated in rich Provencal colours and fabrics. Authentic, delicious meals are served on the terrace, evoking glimmers of a life beloved...


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