
Rungis, France Hotels and City Guide

Rungis Hotels and Rungis Guide with Rungis maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Rungis hotels

Rungis Hotel Map

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Hotels in Rungis, France

Mercure Paris Orly Rungis

Mercure Paris Orly Rungis

20 Avenue Charles Lindbergh, 94 656 Rungis, France

Hotel IntroductionHotel in green surroundings, 5 minutes from Orly Airport, 10 minutes from the biggest shopping centre in Europe and 15 minute from the centre of Paris. Swimming pool, fitness room. Free shuttle bus to the airport and the shopping centre....

Novotel Orly Rungis

Novotel Orly Rungis

1 Rue Du Pont Des Halles, Zone Du Delta, 94656 Rungis, France

Hotel IntroductionThe Novotel Orly Rungis is the most recent hotel of Orly airport and features 181 rooms. It is ideal for business or leisure travellers. Free airport shuttle for hotel guests only. Breakfast starts at 5 am. The restaurant is open 24 hours....

Ibis Paris Rungis

Ibis Paris Rungis

1, Rue Mondetour, 94656 Rungis, France

Hotel IntroductionLocated 10 min from Orly airport between Orly and the Rungis market. 121 rooms, conference rooms, free fenced parking, restaurant, bar and terrace. Rooms for disabled clients. Taxi on request.AccommodationNumber of rooms: 75Pet...


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