
Saint Malo, France Hotels and City Guide

Saint Malo Hotels and Saint Malo Guide with Saint Malo maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Saint Malo hotels

Saint Malo Hotel Map

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Hotels in Saint Malo, France

Best Western Hotel Alexandra

Best Western Hotel Alexandra

138 Boulevard Hebert, Saint Malo, 35400, France

Introduction In a relaxing atmosphere, only a short distance from the privateers' town, enjoy life at a slow pace of ebbing and flowing tides. Relax in the lounge or on the patio looking out to the superb walled tours. A...

Best Western Hotel Balmoral

Best Western Hotel Balmoral

24, Rue Theodore Monod, Saint Malo, 35400, France

Located in the heart of Saint Malo, near the historic center Intra-Muros and the beach, in the new district station, the Best Western Hotel Balmoral is a modern 3-Star hotel ideal for working or relaxing with your family. Our 77 rooms are calm and spacious with modern a...


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