
Motala, Sweden Hotels and City Guide

Motala Hotels and Motala Guide with Motala maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Motala hotels

Motala Hotel Map

Use the hotel map to locate the best hotels in Motala: click on a hotel link to locate it on the map, and get more detailed information on the hotel, or see what great deals we have available and book a hotel room. To find great rates on hotels in Motala, book a rental car to get around, or arrange Motala airport parking, visit the other sections of the World Executive site.

Hotels in Motala, Sweden

Best Western Hotel M

Best Western Hotel M

Kungsgatan 1, BOX 19, Motala, SE-59121, Sweden

Best Western Hotel M is centrally located next to 'Stora Torget' the big square in Motala. Our hotel is furnished in a maritime style with many 'nautical' features. In Motala you find Varamon, the biggest inshore beach in Scandinavia as well as the Radio Museum, Motala ...

Best Western Hotel Motala Statt

Best Western Hotel Motala Statt

Stora Torget, Motala, 59158.5366, Sweden

The Best Western Motala Statt is a classic hotel situated in the heart of Motala, close to Lake Vattern, Gota Kanal and to Europe´s largest lake beach, Varamon. The breakfast room, Harry´s Bar and Restaurant, the conference and gala floor previously housed Motala´s town...


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