
Grenchen, Switzerland Hotels and City Guide

Grenchen Hotels and Grenchen Guide with Grenchen maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Grenchen hotels

Grenchen - Currency

ATMs are available in many parts of Grenchen - ensure you inform your bank before travelling abroad, and be aware you may be charged for cash withdrawals. It is advisable to exchange some cash before arriving in Grenchen.

To find great rates on hotels in Grenchen, book a rental car to get around, or arrange Grenchen airport parking, visit the other sections of the World Executive site.

Hotels in Grenchen, Switzerland

Best Western Airporthotel

Best Western Airporthotel

Flughafenstrasse, Grenchen, 2540, Switzerland

The Best Western Airporthotel, newly built in 2006, is within ten minutes walking distance from the railway station and the city center of Grenchen. We are located on the premises of the airport and within the suburbs of Grenchen and nearby to the green countryside. The...


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