
Cordoba, Argentina Hotels and City Guide

Cordoba Hotels and Cordoba Guide with Cordoba maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Cordoba hotels

Cordoba - Currency

ATMs are available in many parts of Cordoba - ensure you inform your bank before travelling abroad, and be aware you may be charged for cash withdrawals. It is advisable to exchange some cash before arriving in Cordoba.

To find great rates on hotels in Cordoba, book a rental car to get around, or arrange Cordoba airport parking, visit the other sections of the World Executive site.

Hotels in Cordoba, Argentina

Holiday Inn Cordoba, Argentina

Holiday Inn Cordoba, Argentina

Fray Luis Beltran y Cardenosa,Centro Comercial Libertad,CÓRDOBA,5008 ARGENTINA

Full Business centre - 9:00 am to 9:00 pm 1400 sqm area for all sort of events, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, meetings, social parties. Exclusive entrance, reception lounge, private parking lot, 9 modulable rooms. Main ball room with capacity up to 1100...

NH Panorama

NH Panorama

Marcelo T. de Alvear (La Cañada),251, X5000KGE Cordoba,

DescriptionIn the NH Panorama, you will find the room that you need to hold business meetings, conventions, conferences, or any type of festive event like banquets or celebrations. With capacities from 12 to 120 people, the halls adapt with versatility...

NH Urbano

NH Urbano

Marcelo Alvear(La Cañada), 363, Cordoba, Argentina

Situation In Cordoba city, you will find the perfect hotel, opening soon, for your business. Is the ideal choice for those looking for the best price-quality relationship. Located in the financial centre of the city, on Marcelo T. de Alvear street,...


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