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Use our three-day Les Trois Ilets weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Les Trois Ilets. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Les Trois Ilets hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Sofitel Bakoua MartiniqueLa Pointe Du Bout, 97229 Les Trois Ilets, Martinique This charming, West Indies-style hotel is situated across from the sublime Fort-de-Franc Bay, 20 min from the airport. 134 rooms and 5 suites. International and regional specialities at our two restaurants. Cocktail bar, beach bar on stilts. Meeting room for up to 40 people.... |
| Hotel CameliaLes Hauts De l'Anse Mitan,Trois Ilets 97229,Martinique Profiting from a situation privileged on the heights of the Anse Mitan, the hotel Camelia is located at the Trois Ilets |
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