
Puno, Peru Hotels and City Guide

Puno Hotels and Puno Guide with Puno maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Puno hotels

Puno Hotel Map

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Hotels in Puno, Peru

Libertador Puno

Libertador Puno

Isla Esteves S/N Puno Peru

The sparkling, azure waters of majestic Lake Titicaca stretch out over the horizon, the perfect place to experience the wonders of Peru. Here, on the shores of the highest navigable lake in the world, lies the Libertador Puno, where a stay will leave you feeling on top...

Sonesta Posada Del Inca Lake Titicaca - Puno

Sonesta Posada Del Inca Lake Titicaca - Puno

Sesquicenterario 610, Sector Huaje, Puno, Peru

Guestrooms feature beautiful panoramic views of either Lake Titicaca or the nearby mountains. All rooms are equipped with cable TV, direct-dial telephones for domestic and international calls, bar and in-room safe deposit box. Hotel Amenities include Business Center...


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