
Trussville, Alabama Hotels and City Guide

Trussville Hotels and Trussville Guide with Trussville maps, top attractions, room reservations and hotel deals at a wide range of the best Trussville hotels

Trussville Hotel Map

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Hotels in Trussville, Alabama

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Trussville

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Trussville

5911 Valley Road, Trussville, Alabama, USA

With approximately 600 square feet of meeting space, the HOLIDAY INN EXPESS can meet and exceed your meeting needs.Conference meeting to a class room style we can help you plan your next meeting.Call hotel and we can get you booked. Must be held with direct bill or...

Comfort Inn & Suites Trussville

Comfort Inn & Suites Trussville

4740 Norell Dr. Trussville Alabama USA

Walking distance to restaurants. All rooms have micro/fridge. Hotel has elevators and fitness room. NEW HOTEL FEB 2002


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