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Use our three-day Luang Prabang weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Luang Prabang. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Luang Prabang hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao3 PO Box 50, Luang Prabang Lao PDR High on a hill overlooking thickly-wooded mountains and golden pagodas |
| Maison Souvannaphoum HotelRue Chao Fa Ngum Banthatluang, PO Box 741 Luang Prabang, Laos Description Imagine being roused in your royal palace by a harmony of bells and gongs that call a thousand Laotian Buddhist monks to their duties. This daily ritual in Luang Prabang engenders an air of spiritual contemplation. This is a treasure... |
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